But the main thing I took away from the night, was how well Mr Semple communicated. I don’t just mean his natural ability for public speaking. I mean how he effectively uses so many tools that are available to all of us, to get his message ‘out there’.
In my professional capacity, I talk to numerous businesses of varying sizes. And what still amazes me, is how many of them are afraid of Social Media and the internet. The common feeling seems to be that they want to blog or tweet or have a fan page but they don’t know where to start or what to say. So they do nothing.
If you fall into this category, now is the time for action. Things are only going to develop further and you could feel even more left behind. Social Media is here to stay so now is the time to jump right in. Spend some time online researching the various options that are out there. Choose one or two sites that you think might work for you and/or your business. Then just watch what other people are doing.
I can guarantee that you will soon get the hang of things and one day, you will feel compelled to offer your opinion on someone’s blog, or respond to a tweet. And before you know it, you’ll be engaging with people online and building all manner of relationships that you can call on for help, advice or a good old argument. You might even look back and regret not getting involved sooner.
After all, in its most simplistic terms, social media is just a new name for an old pastime: Communication.
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