I think it’s fair to say I’m struggling in the office today. Not because the work is difficult or clients are being awkward, but just because I’m tired. I have a three year old daughter who is usually a very good sleeper. However last night, she was awake from just after midnight until about six o’clock this morning.

When I dragged myself out of bed and staggered towards the shower, going into the office was the last thing that I wanted to do. The cosy warmth of the duvet was calling me back to bed. I was also concerned that maybe my daughter was sickening for something and might need her mum today. After all, she is only three. Staying at home with her was appealing.
On the other hand, I had one client who was waiting for their new website to go live before lunch. Another who needed our graphic design team to finalise the designs of their new corporate identity. I had three adverts to get to publishers and two press releases to sign off before distribution. My business needed me there too.
I’m lucky enough to have my husband as a business partner so I do have options. Our daughter is also in a good local nursery that understands our daily lives and the pressures we face. And, as it’s our own business, there’s no big bad boss to tell me off if I’m half an hour late into the office.
But some days it’s hard to be a business woman, wife, mother and daughter. As a business owner, hours are often not nine to five and I can’t guarantee when I’ll get home. I’d like to think I’m professional so my home life is not mentioned to clients. It’s not their problem if my little girl was up half the night. But I still need to be firing on all cylinders. All I can say is that life as a mumpreneur isn’t all four hour days, relaxed lunch meetings and nipping off mid-afternoon to do the school run as some might think.
Thank god for make up to hide the black bags under my eyes and good quality coffee to keep them open.
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