Just when you thought you could sit back and have a well-earned rest, even if it's only for a day or two, that's actually the time to pick up the pace. You should be re-visiting your initial business plans & looking at your objectives. Are they still relevant to your blossoming business? If not, now is the time to consider some revisions to help you move on to the next level.
For many companies, the initial projects that go hand in hand with establishing a new business include finding premises or vehicles, setting up a website, printing business cards, sending out flyers, the list goes on. So whether you realised it or not at the time, you were starting to market your business. You wanted to tell the world you'd arrived and were ready to start trading. And that's all important activity but once it's done, what next?
First, take a step back and re-visit your initial marketing projects. Chances are, you set up your website in the early days of your business and printed your stationery as soon as you'd settled on a company name. But is everything on display still relevant? Do you provide the same products and services as you did on Day 1 or have you added to your offering? Are your flyers still generating new customers and are they the type of customers you really want? You should look at these points in a logical order to make sure that nothing is left out of your review.
If you didn't generate a marketing strategy at the outset, now is the time to create one. If you did, now is the time to re-visit it. You wouldn't organise a wedding without arranging a ceremony, sending out invitations, or choosing the flowers. So why would you run your business without any research and forward planning? The very business that probably puts a roof over your head and food on your table needs to be carefully nurtured to ensure its continued successful development. Without a comprehensive marketing strategy, reaching your business goals will be much harder than you'd ever anticipated. But where do you start?
First things first, carry out a marketing audit. This will give you an accurate snapshot of how your marketing looks today. The audit will provide you with the fundamental building blocks for the next step - developing your marketing strategy.
When putting a strategy together, think about such questions as whether there have been any changes in your industry that impact upon your business. Does this mean you need to change anything? What do you want to achieve? What about your competitors? Could you improve your customer service? How does your pricing fit in with those around you? If you change your products or services will you see an increase in profitability? And how will you measure any of this?
If undertaken properly, your strategy will highlight your strengths and weaknesses and give you a clear direction as to where your future marketing efforts should be concentrated. This in turn will enable you to write a comprehensive plan that allows you to play to your strengths and seize new opportunities. And why wouldn't you want to do that!
In the current economic climate starting a new business is difficult enough. Making it succeed is even harder. By following these few simple guidelines, you will greatly increase your chances of success. By having a clear marketing strategy, you will be head and shoulders above everyone else that does not. You put everything into starting your business, now is the time to make it grow and stand out from the crowd.
Do you need to outsmart your competitors? Contact us now on 0845 310 2457 to discuss what you want to achieve and how we can help you meet your goals.
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